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Service manifest

Every service must have a service_manifest.yml file in its root directory. The manifest file presents essential information about the service to the Assemblyline core system, information the Assemblyline core system must have before it can run the service.

The table below shows all the elements that the manifest file can contain, including a brief description of each.

Field name Value type Required? Description
accepts Keyword No
Default: .*
Regexes applied to Assemblyline style file type string. For example, .* will allow the service to accept all types of files.
category Keyword No
Default: Static Analysis
Which category is the service part of? Must be one of Antivirus, Dynamic Analysis, External, Extraction, Filtering, Internet Connected, Networking, or Static Analysis.
config Mapping of Any No Dictionary of service configuration variables. The key names can be any Keyword and the value can be of Any type.
default_result_classification Classification string No
The default classification for the results generated by the service. If no classification is provided for a result section, this default classification is used.
dependencies Mapping of Dependency Config No Refer to the dependency config section.
description Text No
Default: NA
Detailed description of the service and its features.
disable_cache Boolean No
Default: false
Should the result cache be disabled for this service? Only disable caching for services that will always provide different results each run.
docker_config Docker Config Yes Refer to the Docker Config section.
enabled Boolean No
Default: false
Should the service be enabled by default?
file_required Boolean Does the service require access to the file to perform its task? If set to false, the service will only have access to the file metadata (e.g. hashes, size, type, etc.).
heuristics List of Heuristic No List of heuristic(s) used in the service for scoring. Refer to the heuristic section.
is_external Boolean No
Default: false
Does the service make API calls to other products not part of the Assemblyline infrastructure (e.g. VirusTotal, ...)?
licence_count Integer No
Default: 0
Number of concurrent services allowed to run at the same time.
name Keyword Yes Name of the service.
privileged Boolean No
Default: false
Allow service to have direct access to core for processing.
Note: Should only be enabled on services that perform static analysis.
rejects Keyword No
Default: empty|metadata/.*
Regexes applied to Assemblyline style file type string. For example, empty|metadata/.* will reject all empty and metadata files.
stage Keyword No
Default: CORE
At which stage should the service run. Must be one of: (1) FILTER, (2) EXTRACT, (3) CORE, (4) SECONDARY, (5) POST, (6) REVIEW. Note that stages are executed in the numbered order shown.
submission_params List of Submission Params No List of submission param(s) that define parameters that the user can change about the service for each of its scans. Refer to the submission_params section.
timeout Integer No
Default: 60
Maximum execution time the service has before the task is timed out.
update_config Update Config No Refer to the update config section.
version1 Keyword Yes Version of the service.

1 the version in the manifest must be the same as the image tag in order to successfully pass registration on service update/load.

Dependency config

Field name Value type Required? Description
container Docker Config Yes Refer to Docker Config section.
volumes Mapping of Persistent Volume No Refer to the persistent volume section.

Docker config

Field name Value type Required? Description
allow_internet_access Boolean No
Default: false
Should the container be allowed to access the internet?
command List[Keyword] No Command that should be run when the container launches.
cpu_cores Float No
Default: 1.0
Amount of CPU that should be allocated to the container.
environment List of Environment Variable No Refer to the environment variable section.
image Keyword Yes Image name always prepended by ${REGISTRY} or ${PRIVATE_REGISTRY} if image not on DockerHub. Append the rest of the image path. Do not put a / between the rest of the image path and registry var. Image name always ends in :$SERVICE_TAG
ports List[Keyword] No List of ports to bind from the container.
ram_mb Integer No
Default: 1024
Amount of RAM in MB that should be allocated to the container.

Environment variable

Field name Value type Required? Description
name Keyword Yes Name of the variable.
value Keyword Yes Value of the variable.


Field name Value type Required? Description
attack_id Enum No Mitre's Att&ck matrix ID.
classification Classification No
description Text Yes Detailed description of the heuristic which addresses the technique used to score.
filetype Keyword Yes Regex of the filetype which applies to this heuristic.
heur_id Keyword Yes Unique ID for identifying the heuristic.
max_score Integer No The maximum score the heuristic can have.
name Keyword Yes Short name for the heuristic.
score Integer Yes Score that should be applied when this heuristic is set.

Persistent volume

Field name Value type Required? Description
mount_path Keyword Yes Path into the container to mount volume.
capacity Keyword Yes Storage capacity required in bytes.
storage_class Keyword Yes

Submission params

Field name Value type Required? Description
default Any Yes Default value of the parameter.
name Keyword Yes Variable name of the parameter.
type Enum Yes Type of variable. Must be one of: bool, int, list, or str.
value Any Yes Value of the variable as configured by the user or the default if not configured.

Update config

Field name Value type Required? Description
generates_signatures Boolean No
Default: false
Should the downloaded files be used to create signatures in the system?
sources List of Update Source No List of source(s) from which updates can be downloaded. Refer to the update source section.
update_interval_seconds Integer Yes Interval in seconds at which the updater runs.
wait_for_update Boolean False Should the service wait for its updater dependency to be running?
signature_delimiter Enum Must be of: new_line, double_new_line, pipe, comma, space, none, file, custom Type of delimiter used for signaure downloads.
custom_delimiter Keyword Optional Custom signature delimiter to use when signature_delimiter: custom

Update source

Field name Value type Required? Description
headers List of Environment Variable No Refer to the environment variable section.
name Keyword Yes Unique name of the source.
password Keyword No The password required to access the file.
pattern Keyword No Regex pattern to match against the file names of all downloaded files from this source. This is useful when you want to filter out some files from a repo which contains many files.
private_key Keyword No Key for accessing file or Git repo.
uri Keyword Yes URL of the update file. Some example URL formats are:,
username Keyword No The username required to access the file.