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Classification engine

Assemblyline can do record-based access control for submission, files, results, and even up to individual sections and tags of said results. It was built to support the Government of Canada levels of security and the Traffic Light Protocol but can also be modified at will.

Once turned on, the classification engine will do the following changes to the system:

  • Users will have to be assigned a maximum classification level that they can see as well as the groups they are members of
  • Each submission to the system will have to have a classification level
  • The User Interface will:
    • Show the effective classification of each submission, file, result, and result sections
    • Have a dedicated help section that will explain how classification conflicts are resolved
    • Let you pick a classification while submitting a file
    • Automatically hide portions of the result for a user that does not have enough privileges to see them


The classification engine has many parameters that can be customized so you can get record-based access controls that fit your organization.

Here is an exhaustive configuration file of the classification engine that explains every single parameter:

Exhaustive classification configuration
# Turn on/off classification enforcement. When this flag is off, this
#  completely disables the classification engine, any documents added while
#  the classification engine is off getting the default unrestricted value
enforce: false

# When this flag is on, the classification engine will automatically create
#  groups based on the domain part of a user's email address
#  EX:
#     For user with email:
#     The group "" will be valid in the system
dynamic_groups: false

# List of Classification Levels:
#   This is a graded list; a smaller number is less restricted than a higher number
#   A user must be allowed a classification level >= to be able to view the data
  # List of alternate names for the current marking. If a user submits a file with
  #  those markings, the classification will automatically rename it to the value
  #  specified in the name
  - aliases:
      - U
      - TLP:W
      - TLP:WHITE
    # Stylesheet applied in the UI for the current classification level
      # Name of the color scheme used for display
      # Possible values: default, primary, secondary, success, info, warning, error
      color: default

      # Deprecated parameters (Use color instead)
      #  These were used in the old UI but are still valid in the new UI because if
      #  the new UI cannot find the color param, it will use the label param and
      #  strips "label-" part.
      banner: alert-default
      label: label-default
      text: text-muted

    # Description of the classification level
      Subject to standard copyright rules, TLP:CLEAR information may be distributed
      without restriction.

    # Integer value of the Classification level (higher is more classified)
    lvl: 100

    # Long name of the classification level
    name: TLP:CLEAR

    # Short name of the classification level
    short_name: TLP:C
  - aliases: []
      color: success
      Recipients may share TLP:GREEN information with peers and partner organizations
      within their sector or community, but not via publicly accessible channels.
      Information in this category can be circulated widely within a particular
      community. TLP:GREEN information may not be released outside of the community.
    lvl: 110
    name: TLP:GREEN
    short_name: TLP:G
  - aliases:
      color: warning
      Recipients may only share TLP:AMBER information with members of their
      own organization and with clients or customers who need to know the information
      to protect themselves or prevent further harm.
    lvl: 120
    name: TLP:AMBER
    short_name: TLP:A

# List of required tokens:
#   A user requesting access to an item must have all the
#   required tokens the item has, to gain access to it
  # List of alternate names for the token
  - aliases: []

    # Description of the token
    description: Produced using a commercial tool with limited distribution

    # Long name for the token
    name: COMMERCIAL

    # Short name for the token
    short_name: CMR

    # (optional) The minimum classification level an item must have
    #  for this token to be valid. So, because this token has a value
    #  of 120, once it's selected, the classification level automatically
    #  jumps to TPL:A which was set to 120 in the previous section.
    require_lvl: 120

# List of groups:
#   A user requesting access to an item must be part of a least
#   of one the group the item is part of to gain access
  # List of aliases for the group
  - aliases:
      - ANY
    # (optional) This is a special flag that when set to true if any other groups
    #  are selected in a classification, this group will automatically be selected
    #  as well.
    auto_select: true

    # Description of the group
    description: Employees of CSE

    # Long name for the group
    name: CSE

    # Short name for the group
    short_name: CSE

    # (optional) Assuming that this group is the only group selected, this is the
    #   display name that will be used in the classification
    #   NOTE: values must be in the aliases of this group and only this group
    solitary_display_name: ANY

# List of sub-groups:
#   A user requesting access to an item must be part of a least
#   of one the sub-group the item is part of to gain access
  # List of aliases for the subgroups
  - aliases: []

    # Description of the sub-group
    description: Member of Incident Response team

    # Long name of the sub-group
    name: IR TEAM

    # Short name of the sub-group
    short_name: IR
  - aliases: []
    description: Member of the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security

    # (optional) This is a special flag that auto select the corresponding
    #   group when this sub-group is selected
    require_group: CSE

    name: CCCS
    short_name: CCCS

    # (optional) This is a special flag that makes sure that none other then
    #   the corresponding group is selected when this sub-group is selected
    limited_to_group: CSE

# Default restricted classification
restricted: TLP:A//CMR

# Default unrestricted classification:
#   When no classification is provided or the classification engine is
#   disabled, this is the classification value each item will get
unrestricted: TLP:C

Enabling it in your system

By default, the classification engine is disabled in the system, but it can easily be enabled by creating a new config map in Kubernetes.


For this documentation we will enable a classification engine that supports only the traffic light protocol.

In your deployment directory, create a file named objects.yaml with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: assemblyline-extra-config
  classification: |
    enforce: true
      - aliases:
          - UNRESTRICTED
          - U
          - TLP:W
          - TLP:WHITE
          color: default
          Subject to standard copyright rules, TLP:CLEAR information may be
          distributed without restriction.
        lvl: 100
        name: TLP:CLEAR
        short_name: TLP:C
      - aliases: []
          color: success
          Recipients may share TLP:GREEN information with peers and partner
          organizations within their sector or community, but not via publicly
          accessible channels. Information in this category can be circulated
          widely within a particular community. TLP:GREEN information may not
          be released outside of the community.
        lvl: 110
        name: TLP:GREEN
        short_name: TLP:G
      - aliases:
          - RESTRICTED
          - R
          color: warning
          Recipients may only share TLP:AMBER information with members of their
          own organization and with clients or customers who need to know the
          information to protect themselves or prevent further harm.
        lvl: 120
        name: TLP:AMBER
        short_name: TLP:A

    required: []
    groups: []
    subgroups: []

    restricted: TLP:A
    unrestricted: TLP:C

Use kubectl to apply the objects.yaml file to your system:

sudo microk8s kubectl apply -f ~/git/deployment/objects.yaml --namespace=al
kubectl apply -f <deployment_directory>/objects.yaml --namespace=al

Then you must tell your pods to use the classification engine from the newly created config map. Add the following block to the values.yaml or your deployment:

Partial values.yaml to load the custom classification.yml file
    value: assemblyline-extra-config
    value: classification
  - name: al-extra-config
    mountPath: /etc/assemblyline/classification.yml
    subPath: classification
  - name: al-extra-config
      name: assemblyline-extra-config

You will also need to ensure services have your classification.yml file mounted. Add the following to your values.yaml:

Partial values.yaml to load the custom classification.yml file for services
          - name: assemblyline-extra-config
            path: "/etc/assemblyline/classification.yml"
            resource_type: configmap
            resource_name: assemblyline-extra-config
            resource_key: classification

Finally update your deployment using helm upgrade command:

sudo microk8s helm upgrade assemblyline ~/git/assemblyline-helm-chart/assemblyline -f ~/git/deployment/values.yaml -n al
helm upgrade assemblyline <assemblyline-helm-chart>/assemblyline -f <deployment_directory>/values.yaml -n al


It takes a while for all the containers to be restarted so be patient and it will eventually show up in the UI.