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User Interface section

The user interface configuration section (ui:) of the configuration file allows you to modify the parameters of the user interface and API Server.

Since this section is quite simple, we will list the default configuration at the same time as we describe the different values.

User interface section configuration example
  # AI Integration configuration block
    # URL to the chat completion API, you can change this to your own if you are not using the default
    #  OpenAI endpoints.

    # Configuration of the code analysis feature
      # System message sent to the OpenAI API describing how OpenAI should interprete the messages received
      system_message: "...",
      # Maximum number of tokens returned as a response by the OpenAI API
      max_tokens: 512,
      # Other optional parameters sent to the API
        frequency_penalty: 0,
        presence_penalty: 0,
        temperature: 1,
        top_p: 1

    # Configuration of the Detailed AL report analysis (used in hybrid reporting)
    #     Same type of configuration block as the code analysis
    detailed_report: {...},

    # Configuration of the Executive Summary analysis (used in sumission and file detail views)
    #     Same type of configuration block as the code analysis
    executive_summary: {...},

    # Enabled/disable AI integration
    enabled: False,

    # Headers sent to the OpenAI API
        Content-Type: "application/json"

    # Model used for the AI Integration
    model_name: "gpt-3.5-turbo",

    # Should the SSL cert to the OpenAI API endpoint be verified?
    verify: True

  # Show the malicious hinting checkbox when submitting files
  allow_malicious_hinting: false

  # Allow malicious files to be download in raw format
  allow_raw_downloads: true

  # Allow URL submissions to be processed in the system
  allow_url_submissions: true

  # Audit API queries
  audit: true

  # String to be displayed in the banner
  banner: null

  # Color of the banner (info, success, error, warning)
  banner_level: info

  # Turn on/off  debug mode
  debug: false

  # Default encoding for downloaded files
  download_encoding: cart

  # Email address users can reach the admins at
  email: null

  # Enforce API and submissions quotas or not
  enforce_quota: true

  # Domain for your deployment (Especially important for kubernetes deployments)
  fqdn: localhost

  # Maximum submission priority for ingestion tasks
  ingest_max_priority: 250

  # Make the UI read only
  # (Not supported in the new UI yet)
  read_only: false

  # Time offset for queries done in raed only mode
  # (Not supported in the new UI yet)
  read_only_offset: ''

  # Secret key for your flask app (API)
  # You should definitely change this!
  secret_key: This is the default flask secret key... you should change this!

  # Timeout after which a stale session is no longer valid
  session_duration: 3600

  # Fields to generate statistics on
    # Statistics in the alert view
    - al.attrib
    - al.av
    - al.behavior
    - al.domain
    - al.ip
    - al.yara
    - file.md5
    - owner

    # Statistics in the submission view
    - params.submitter

  # Terms of service for the deployment (in markdown format)
  tos: null

  # Lockout the user after they agree to the terms of service
  # (requires an admin to enable their account)
  tos_lockout: false

  # List of email addresses to notify when a user agreed to the TOS
  # and its account is locked out
  tos_lockout_notify: null

  # Headers added to fetch the files during URL submissions
  url_submission_headers: {}

  # Proxy configuration to use while fetching the file during URL submissions
  url_submission_proxies: {}

  # Should we validate that the session comes from the same IP?
  validate_session_ip: true

  # Should we validate that the session uses the same user agent
  validate_session_useragent: true


Refer to the changing the configuration file documentation for more detail on where and how to change the configuration of the system.