API Exercise #4: Alert Monitoring And Identifying IoCs For Blocking¶
“I want to be able to action on IoCs that Assemblyline has alerted on.”
A common use for Assemblyline is the ability to perform dynamic defence which can involve blocking certain domains/IPs in a firewall
In this exercise, we’re going to look for any alerts containing a network IoC and task that IoC to be blocked (or in this case, just print the IoC that you’re blocking to the console).
Expected Results¶
IoCs to be blocked are printed to console
APIs Involved¶
GET /api/v4/search/<index>/
Python client¶
# Exercise #4: Alert monitoring and identify IOC for blocking
import os
from assemblyline_client import get_client
AL_HOST = os.getenv('AL_HOST', '<AL URL>')
AL_USER = os.getenv('AL_USER', '<AL user>')
AL_APIKEY = os.getenv('AL_APIKEY', '<AL API key>')
# This is the connection to the Assemblyline client that we will use
client = get_client(f"https://{AL_HOST}:443", apikey=(AL_USER, AL_APIKEY), verify=False)
def block_IOC(ioc: str, ioc_type: str, verdict: str):
# Fake block IOC function, this would obviously be tailored code for your systems
print(f"Blocking {ioc_type.upper()}: {ioc} ({verdict})")
# Search through the alert index for alerts with IPs and Domains
# client.search.alert --> /api/v4/search/index/
for alert in client.search.alert('al.ip:* OR al.domain:* OR al.uri:*', fl="al.detailed.*")['items']:
# Iterate over the IOCs in the alert
for ioc_type in ['ip', 'domain', 'uri']:
# Iterate through the different items to check if they should be blocked
for ioc in alert['al']['detailed'][ioc_type]:
# Make sure those IOCs are not safe or informational
if ioc['verdict'] in ['info', 'safe']:
# Block suspicious and malicious IOCs (ie. add to FW rules)
block_IOC(ioc=ioc['value'], ioc_type=ioc_type, verdict=ioc['verdict'])