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Community services

The Assemblyline community has been hard at work to improve Assemblyline's ability to detect malicious files and extract information about them.

This page lists all the services that our members have created and shared with the public.


These services are not managed by the Assemblyline team so make sure that you check their source thoroughly and that you are comfortable with what they do before you install them on your system.

Service list

Service Name Description Author Source
AutoItRipper AutoIt unpacker service NVISO link
ClamAV Assemblyline service which submits a file to ClamAV and displays the result NVISO link
HybridAnalysis Uses the Hybrid Analysis service to provide additional threat intelligence and malware analysis capabilities boredchilada link
MalwareBazaar Assemblyline service fetching Malware Bazaar report NVISO link
MsgParser Simple MSG extractor AssemblyLine service NVISO link
MetaDefender Sandbox Submits a file or a URL to MetaDefender Sandbox OPSWAT link
PythonExeUnpack Python exe unpacker service NVISO link
ReversingLabsSpectraIntelligence This service uses ReversingLabs' Spectra Intelligence service for obtaining detailed and high precision file reputation and analysis information on submitted files. ReversingLabs link
StegFinder AssemblyLine service which scans for embedded data in image using StegExpose NVISO link
Unfurl Assemblyline service parsing a submitted URL to unshorten it. NVISO link
UrlScanIo This service fetches the results of a scan. NVISO link
WindowsDefender Windows defender service being adapted from an Assemblyline community conversation Adam McHugh link

Building a Community Service

  1. Obtain the service source code
  2. Edit the service manifest and ensure the following is set
    version: $SERVICE_TAG
        image: ${REGISTRY}<service_container_image>:$SERVICE_TAG
  3. Build image and push to your local registry:

It's strongly recommended to tag service images following the Assemblyline format. Otherwise, the system will disable your service because it will deem it incompatible with the rest of the components.

Service versions should follow the format A.B.C.(dev|stable).D, where:

  • A, B represents the framework and system version, respectively.
  • C, D can be used to indicate the major and minor of a service, respectively.
  • The dev or stable portion of the tag should indicate the state of the service build. This is also relevant for providing service updates under a certain channel.

The following is an example of a service build targetted for an Assemblyline deployment running release 4.5.x.x:

docker build . -t <private_registry>/<service_container_image>:4.5.0.stable0 --build-arg version=4.5.0.stable0
docker push <private_registry>/<service_container_image>:4.5.0.stable0
4. Add contents of service manifest to UI or using the REST API to add the service to Assemblyline

Add your service

Contact us on Discord to get your service featured on this page.