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User Management

Assemblyline's user management interface lets you:

  1. List all the users in the system
  2. Filter and search the current user list
  3. View details about users
  4. Remove users
  5. Enable/disable users
  6. Change the users' roles, quotas, and passwords

You can find the user management interface by clicking the Administration topic then choose the System Safelist subtopic.

User management

User list

The first page you will be taken to when loading the user management interface will list all the users of the system.

User list

From this interface you can:

  1. Page through the different users of the system
  2. Filter the displayed users with the search bar
    • Assemblyline users can be searched using a Lucene query. As you start typing in the search box, the system will suggest to you fields that you can search into.
    • You can also use the quick filter buttons for pre-defined searches. These pre-defined searches will help you get started writing more complex user searches.
  3. Add users to the system using the top right "Add User" button
  4. View the detail of a user

User detail

Once you click on a user in the user list, the detail view for that user will be shown.

User detail

This page will show you the following information:

  1. Identity of the user (username, avatar, name, groups, email address)
  2. Roles of the user
  3. Allowed quotas for the user
  4. Status of the user

From this page, you will be able to take the following actions on the current user:

  1. Remove it
  2. Enable/disable access its access to the system
  3. Set its roles
  4. Set its quotas
  5. Change its password