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Assemblyline leverages the powerful capabilities of Elasticsearch which make it possible to search for almost anything.

Document store

One key concept to understand are the "indices" of information. These allow Assemblyline to deduplicate most of the results in the system which is a major reason Assemblyline can scale so well. Searching indexed fields is also very fast.

  • There are 6 primary "indices"
    • Submissions
    • Files
    • Results
    • Alerts
    • Signatures
    • Retrohunt

You can view all indices and their indexed fields once you have a working Assemblyline under Help > Search Help menu.

Searching behaviours and limitations

When you search for something in the Search Bar at the top of the UI

Search bar atop UI

or on the generic Search page

Generic Search page

it will run your query in all the indices and return any matching results.

The fact that there are 6 separate indices is obvious when you make a search on one of the search bars mentioned above, as the results appear per index:

Searching across indices

You must limit your search criteria to a single index; in other words, you cannot do JOIN queries with information present in two or more indices.

This limitation can be worked around by using the Assemblyline Client by performing queries on one index and then enriching or narrowing your search by searching for elements in another index.

Search examples

One quick way to get familiar with search indices is to use the "Find related results" item from the tags dropdown menu.


Clicking it on the av.virus_name tag (HEUR/Macro.Downloader.MRAA.Gen) will build the following query:


You can also build more complex searches by leveraging the full Lucene query syntax. Here are some other examples:

# Find every result where the ViperMonkey service extracted the IP"" AND response.service_name:ViperMonkey

# Find all submissions with a score greater than or equal to 2000 in the last two days
max_score:[2000 TO *] AND times.submitted:[now-2d TO now]

# Find all anti-virus results with Emotet in the signature name
The system supports a wide range of search parameter such as wildcards, ranges and regex. The full syntax range can be found under Help > Search Help

Search queries can also be used with the Assemblyline Client to build powerful tradecraft which can run automatically as new files get scanned by the system.


There are a lot of fields per index that you can query for, so exploring the "autofill" options is helpful. To do so, head to an index-specific search page, like "Result" (/search/result), and type something. The available fields that you can query for should pop up:

Autofill options on the Result search page

If you want to query all submissions that are TLP:CLEAR and have a service that scored greater than 500, the Result index is where you would want to search because that is where the service result data lives:

Example query result