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API Exercise #1: Collecting Network IoCs


“I want to collect all the network-related IoCs that Assemblyline was able to extract and store them in a dictionary/mapping. For my use case, I would also want to sort them based on the type of network IoC (ie. Domain, IP, URL)”

Expected Results

    network.static.ip”: [, ...]
    network.static.domain: [“”, ...]

APIs Involved


GET /api/v4/submission/summary/<sid>/

GET /api/v4/ontology/submission/<sid>/





Option #1a (using Submission API) with the Python client

import os
from pprint import pprint
from assemblyline_client import get_client

AL_HOST = os.getenv('AL_HOST', '<AL URL>')
AL_USER = os.getenv('AL_USER', '<AL user>')
AL_APIKEY = os.getenv('AL_APIKEY', '<AL API key>')

# Choose a submission ID that we will use to pull IOCs from
SID = '<sid>'

# The result of this exercise will be stored in this variable

# This is the connection to the Assemblyline client that we will use
client = get_client(f"https://{AL_HOST}:443", apikey=(AL_USER, AL_APIKEY), verify=False)

# client.submission.summary(<sid>) --> /api/v4/submission/summary/<sid>/
for tag_name, tag_values in client.submission.summary(SID)['tags']['ioc'].items():
    for tag_value, tag_verdict, is_tag_safelisted, classification in tag_values:
        if tag_name.startswith('network'):
            # Create the tag category if does not exist
            COLLECTED_IOCS.setdefault(tag_name, [])

            # Add the IOC to our list of collected IOCs

# Now that we have gathered the IOCs, let's print them to the screen

Option #1b (using Submission API) with the Python Requests library

import requests
import json
import os
from pprint import pprint

headers = {
    "x-user": os.getenv('AL_USER', '<AL user>'),
    "x-apikey": os.getenv('AL_APIKEY', '<AL API key>'),
    "accept": "application/json"

# Choose a submission ID that we will use to pull IOCs from
SID = '<sid>'

# The result of this exercise will be stored in this variable

# This is the connection to the Assemblyline client that we will use
host = f"https://{os.getenv('AL_HOST', '<AL URL>')}:443"

# client.submission.summary(<sid>) --> /api/v4/submission/summary/<sid>/
data = requests.get(f"{host}/api/v4/submission/summary/{SID}/", headers=headers, verify=False).content
summary = json.loads(data)["api_response"]
for tag_name, tag_values in summary["tags"]["ioc"].items():
    for tag_value, tag_verdict, is_tag_safelisted, classification in tag_values:
        if tag_name.startswith('network'):
            # Create the tag category if does not exist
            COLLECTED_IOCS.setdefault(tag_name, [])

            # Add the IOC to our list of collected IOCs

# Now that we have gathered the IOCs, let's print them to the screen

Option #2a (using Ontology API) with the Python client

import os
from pprint import pprint
from assemblyline_client import get_client

AL_HOST = os.getenv('AL_HOST', '<AL URL>')
AL_USER = os.getenv('AL_USER', '<AL user>')
AL_APIKEY = os.getenv('AL_APIKEY', '<AL API key>')

# Choose a submission ID that we will use to pull IOCs from
SID = '<sid>'

# The result of this exercise will be stored in this variable

# This is the connection to the Assemblyline client that we will use
client = get_client(f"https://{AL_HOST}:443", apikey=(AL_USER, AL_APIKEY), verify=False)

# client.ontology.submission(<sid>) --> /api/v4/ontology/submission/<sid>/
for record in client.ontology.submission(SID):
    for tag_name, tag_values in record['results']['tags'].items():
        if tag_name.startswith('network'):
            # Create the tag category if does not exist
            COLLECTED_IOCS.setdefault(tag_name, [])

            # Add the IOC to our list of collected IOCs

# Now that we have gathered the IOCs, let's print them to the screen

Option #2b (using Ontology API) with the Python Requests library

import requests
import json
import os
from pprint import pprint

headers = {
    "x-user": os.getenv('AL_USER', '<AL user>'),
    "x-apikey": os.getenv('AL_APIKEY', '<AL API key>'),
    "accept": "application/json"

# Choose a submission ID that we will use to pull IOCs from
SID = '<sid>'

# The result of this exercise will be stored in this variable

# This is the connection to the Assemblyline client that we will use
host = f"https://{os.getenv('AL_HOST', '<AL URL>')}:443"

# Option 2: Get IOCs from the ontology API
# client.ontology.submission(<sid>) --> /api/v4/ontology/submission/<sid>/
data = requests.get(f"{host}/api/v4/ontology/submission/{SID}/", headers=headers, verify=False).content
ontology = [json.loads(line) for line in data.splitlines()]
for record in ontology:
    for tag_name, tag_values in record['results']['tags'].items():
        if tag_name.startswith('network'):
            # Create the tag category if does not exist
            COLLECTED_IOCS.setdefault(tag_name, [])

            # Add the IOC to our list of collected IOCs

# Now that we have gathered the IOCs, let's print them to the screen