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Core component section

The core components configuration section (core:) of the configuration file contains all the different parameters that you can change to modify the behaviour of each core components.

Default values for the core section
    alert_ttl: 90
    - alert_id
    - file
    - ts
    default_group_field: file.sha256
    delay: 300
    - status
    - priority
    - file.md5
    - file.sha1
    - file.sha256
    process_alert_message: assemblyline_core.alerter.processing.process_alert_message
    max_inflight: 1000
    timeout: 900
    batch_delete: false
    delay: 0
    delete_storage: true
    sleep_time: 15
    workers: 20
    cache_dtl: 2
    default_max_extracted: 100
    default_max_supplementary: 100
    default_resubmit_services: []
    default_services: []
    default_user: internal
    description_prefix: Bulk
    expire_after: 1296000
    get_whitelist_verdict: assemblyline.common.signaturing.drop
    incomplete_expire_after_seconds: 3600
    incomplete_stale_after_seconds: 1800
    is_low_priority: assemblyline.common.null.always_false
    max_inflight: 500
      critical: 500000
      high: 1000000
      low: 10000000
      medium: 2000000
    stale_after_seconds: 86400
    whitelist: assemblyline.common.null.whitelist
      server_url: null
      token: null
      cold: 30
      delete: 90
      host_certificates: null
      hosts: null
      unit: d
      warm: 2
    export_interval: 5
    redis: &id001
      port: 6379
    nonpersistent: *id001
      port: 6380
    additional_labels: null
    cpu_overallocation: 1
    memory_overallocation: 1
    overallocation_node_limit: null
      backlog: 100
      - name: SERVICE_API_HOST
        value: http://service-server:5003
        value: inf
      growth: 60
      min_instances: 0
      shrink: 30


Refer to the changing the configuration file documentation for more detail on where and how to change the configuration of the system.


The configuration block at core.alerter contains all the configuration parameters that the Assemblyline alerter component can take.

Here is an example configuration block with inline comments about the purpose of every single parameters:

Alerter configuration example
    # Time to live in days for alerts in the system
    alert_ttl: 90

    # List of fields that should keep the same value in between normal and extended scan
    #  NOTE: You should not have to change those ever, this might get removed in the future
    - alert_id
    - file
    - ts

    # Default field to group alerts with in the UI
    default_group_field: file.sha256

    # Delay applied to the alert UI to leave time to the extended scan to complete
    delay: 300

    # List of fields allowed to be used for grouping that are present in every single alerts
    - status
    - priority

    # List of fields allowed to be used for grouping that are present only in a subset of alerts
    - file.md5
    - file.sha1
    - file.sha256

    # Python class used to process alert messages
    #   NOTE: This should not be changed unless you've built your own container with
    #         extra packages with alert processing capability
    process_alert_message: assemblyline_core.alerter.processing.process_alert_message


The configuration block at core.dispatcher contains all the configuration parameters that the Assemblyline dispatcher component can take.

Here is an example configuration block with inline comments about the purpose of every single parameters:

Dispatcher configuration example
    # Maximum amount of concurrent submission processing in the system
    max_inflight: 1000

    # Use in earlier version of dispatcher (To be removed)
    timeout: 900


The configuration block at core.expiry contains all the configuration parameters that the Assemblyline expiry component can take.

Here is an example configuration block with inline comments about the purpose of every single parameters:

Expiry configuration example
      # Perform delete operation in batch when changing day instead of throughout the day
      #   NOTE: Not deleting during the day will make the system more responsive during the day
      #         but will significantly reduce performance when changing to a new day until
      #         all delete operations are done.
      batch_delete: false

      # Delay in hours applied to the deletion schedule
      delay: 0

      # Should data expiry operation get rid of files as well?
      delete_storage: true

      # Time to sleep (sec) in between runs when there is not data to delete
      sleep_time: 15

      # Number of workers used to delete data
      workers: 20


The configuration block at core.ingester contains all the configuration parameters that the Assemblyline ingester component can take.

Here is an example configuration block with inline comments about the purpose of every single parameters:

Ingester configuration example
      # Number of days ingested files are valid in the ingester cache
      cache_dtl: 2

      # Maximum number of extracted files for ingested submissions
      default_max_extracted: 100

      # Maximum number of supplementary files for ingested submissions
      default_max_supplementary: 100

      # UNUSED
      default_resubmit_services: []
      default_services: []
      default_user: internal
      description_prefix: Bulk

      # Seconds before a previously ingested file will be considered new again,
      #  the file will then be processed as if never seen before.
      expire_after: 1296000

      # Function import path for method to determine whitelisting.
      #  Files selected by this function will be dropped.
      #  See the default function for signature.
      get_whitelist_verdict: assemblyline.common.signaturing.drop

      # Special version of 'expire_after' applied when the previous run of a file had errors.
      incomplete_expire_after_seconds: 3600

      # Special version of 'stale_after_seconds' applied when the previous run of a file had errors.
      incomplete_stale_after_seconds: 1800

      # Function import path for method to determine low-priority filter.
      #  Files selected by this function will be forced to low-priority.
      #  See the default function for signature.
      is_low_priority: assemblyline.common.null.always_false

      # How many submissions should ingester try to submit concurrently.
      max_inflight: 500

      # How long should X queue be before the sampling (randomly dropping files) starts.
      #  At the given value sampling will start, and grow gradually more agressive until 3 times
      #  the value given. At 3 times the value given the system will proccess as many files
      #  as possible, and all others will be discarded.
        critical: 500000
        high: 1000000
        low: 10000000
        medium: 2000000

      # Seconds before a previously ingested file will be considered stale,
      #  the file will be reprocessed but the priority will be modified depending
      #  on the score from the previous run.
      stale_after_seconds: 86400

      # File whitelist import path. Imported object will be passed to the 'get_whitelist_verdict'
      #  function. The default verdict function will use this as a file whitelist.
      #  See default value for sample.
      whitelist: assemblyline.common.null.whitelist


The configuration block at core.metrics contains all the configuration parameters that the Assemblyline metrics gathering components can take.

Here is an example configuration block with inline comments about the purpose of every single parameters:

Metrics configuration example
      # APM specific settings
        # URL to the APM server
        server_url: null

        # Token use to connect to the APM server
        token: null

      # Elasticsearch specific configuration
        # Number of `unit` document spend time in ILM cold storage
        cold: 30

        # Number of `unit` after which documents are deleted using ILM
        delete: 90

        # Cert used to connect to Elastic
        host_certificates: null

        # List of Elatic hosts
        hosts: null

        # Time unit for ILM cold, warm and delete
        unit: d

        # Number of `unit` document spend time in ILM warm storage
        warm: 2

      # Interval at which the metrics components export their data
      export_interval: 5

      # Redis specific configuration
        # Host of the redis server

        # Port of the redis server
        port: 6379


The configuration block at core.redis contains all the configuration parameters used by Assemblyline components to connect to redis.

Here is an example configuration block with inline comments about the purpose of every single parameters:

Redis configuration example
      # Configuration of the non-persistent redis (use mainly for messaging)
        # Host of the redis server

        # Port of the redis server
        port: 6379

      # Configuration of the persistent redis (use mainly for task queuing)
        # Host of the redis server

        # Port of the redis server
        port: 6380


The configuration block at core.scaler contains all the configuration parameters that the Assemblyline scaler component can take.

Here is an example configuration block with inline comments about the purpose of every single parameters:

Scaler configuration example
      # Percentage of CPU overallocation, represented as 0-1 float
      cpu_overallocation: 0.5
      # Percentage of RAM overallocation, represented as 0-1 float
      memory_overallocation: 1
      # If the system has this many nodes or more overallocation is ignored
      overallocation_node_limit: 3
      # Additional labels to be applied to services('=' delimited)
        - env=production
        # How many files in a service queue are considered a backlog.
        #  This weights how important scaling up a service is relative
        #  to its queue. You probably don't want to change this.
        backlog: 100

        # List of environment variables set for all services.
        #  Usually used for deployment related environment variables.
        #  Service specific environent variables can be set in the
        #  service manifest or in the UI for a particular system.
        - name: SERVICE_API_HOST
          value: http://service-server:5003
        - name: AL_SERVICE_TASK_LIMIT
          value: inf

        # Roughly how many seconds to wait before a service
        #  scales up to meet increased demand.
        growth: 60

        # The minimum number of instances of every service that
        #  should be kept running at all times.
        min_instances: 0

        # Roughly how many seconds to wait before a service scales down when
        #  instances are consistently idle.
        shrink: 30