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UI plugin section

The plugin configuration section (uiPlugins:) of the values.yaml allows you to enable and configure both the built-in and your own custom plugins.

Since this section is quite simple, we will list the default configuration at the same time as we describe the different values.

UI plugin section configuration example
uiPlugins: # configure/setup external lookup type plugins.
    # Enable lookup plugins
    # These are disabed by default. Set to `true` to enable them (note: individual plugins must still be enabled).
    enabled: false

    # Mapping of plugins to setup.
    # You can add your own custom plugins to this mapping as long as they implement the correct interface.

      <lookupName>: # The name of the lookup plugin (eg. virustotal). This will be used in the deployment definitions.

        # Enable or disable this particular plugin.
        # Note: to enable, the upper level `uiPlugins.lookup.enabled` must also be `true`.
        enabled: false

        # The registry and image name of the plugin image.
        image: cccs/assemblyline-ui-plugin-lookup-virustotal

        # (optional) The image tag to use. If left blank it will default to the current Assemblyline version.

        # The number of instances to run.
        instances: 1

        # CPU and RAM requests and limits.
        reqCPU: 250m
        reqRam: 256Mi
        limRam: 256Mi

        # Port the plugin container listens on.
        containerPort: 8000

        # (optional) Supply the name of an existing configMap that contains configuration data for the plugin.
        # Use this OR the below `configMapData`.

        # (optional) Configuration data for the plugin to be exposed as environment variables.
        configMapData: |-
          VT_VERIFY: true
          MAX_TIMEOUT: "3"
          API_URL: ""
          FRONTEND_URL: ""
          CLASSIFICATION: null

        # (optional) Secret configuration data for the plugin to be exposed as environment variables.
        # Use this OR the one of the below `secretName`, `secretKeys`.
        secretData: |-
          VT_API_KEY: ""

        # (optional) Supply the name of an existing secret that contains configuration data for the plugin.

        # (optional) Individually use keys from existing secrets
        # supplied as a list, eg:
        # - varName: VT_API_KEY
        #   secretName: ui-plugin-lookup-virustotal-apikey
        #   secretKey: API_KEY
        secretKeys: []

        # (optional) Security context for the plugin to run under.
          user: 1000
          group: 1000
          fsGroup: 1000

# add the configured plugins to the AL UI config section.

    # Display name of the lookup source.
    - name: virustotal

      # Full url to the plugin microservice api.
      # (this will be the lowercase `lookupName` key with a `ui-plugin-lookup-` prefix)
      url: http://ui-plugin-lookup-virustotal:8000

      # (optional) Minimum classification require to access the upstream service.

      # (optional) Maximum classification that can be sumbitted to the upstream service.


Refer to the changing the configuration file documentation for more detail on where and how to change the configuration of the system.